Monday, September 6, 2010

Homemade Chili

Chili weather is upon us! (If only for a brief moment... this weekend it was in the 60's... ahhh fall)

4 cups fresh tomatoes
1 onion
1 package ground turkey
1 pack low sodium chili seasoning
2-3 green, red, yellow bell peppers
1 46 oz V8 reduced sodium
2 cans beans (i used organic tri-bean medley)

cook turkey, chop veggies, add veggies to turkey and seasoning with some water... let simmer. pour all ingredients into crock pot. let simmer all day so the aroma fills the house. YUM YUM.

makes about 20 single cup servings. 1 cup is 120 cals, 10g protein, 10g fiber! YUM, and LOW sodium... about 120 mg. can't beat that with a stick!

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